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Mercredi 11 Août 2010

Version imprimable
SUR XIR3 QUELQU'un connait comment augmenter le temps de connection sur infoview?
 Olivier TAUPIN
Mardi 17 Août 2010

Version imprimable

Voici un exemple que m'a fourni le support SAP, bonne continuation :

Need to increase the time to avoid timeout for InfoView.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
Windows Server 2003
Infoview times out because default time to expire the current session is 20 minute
Follow the below steps to increase the timeout in InfoView:
Step 1
1) Go to Business Objectstomcat55webappsAnalyticalReporting WEB-INF
2) Open web.xml
3) Search 'session-timeout' keyword in this file.
4) Increase the timeout value to 60.
5) Save web.xml

Step 2
1) Go to Business Objectstomcat55webappsInfoViewApp WEB-INF
2) Open web.xml
3) Search 'session-timeout' keyword in this file.
4) Increase the timeout value to 60.
5) Save web.xml

Step 3
1) Go to Business Objectstomcat55webappsInfoViewAppActions WEB-INF
2) Open web.xml
3) Search 'session-timeout' keyword in this file.
4) Increase the timeout value to 60.
5) Save web.xml

Step 4
1) Go to Business Objectstomcat55webappsPlatformServices WEB-INF
2) Open web.xml
3) Search 'session-timeout' keyword in this file.
4) Increase the timeout value to 60.
5) Save web.xml

Step 5
1) Go to Central Management Console (CMC)
2) Servers --> WebIntelligenceProcessingServer --> Properties
3) Set 'Idle Document Timeout' to 3600 sec
4) Set 'Idle Connection Timeout' to 60 min
5) Save

Step 6
1) Go to Central Management Console (CMC)
2) Servers --> WebIntelligenceProcessingServer --> Properties
3) Locate Commandline Parameters
4) Add the switch '-requesttimeout 3600000' at the end of the Commandline Parameters.
5) Save

Step 7 Restarted Tomcat and BO Server

Step 8 Universe LevelSettings:
1) Open the Universe on which the report is based
2) File --> Parameters --> 'Controls' Tab
3) Uncheck 'Limit Execution Time to' Uncheck 'Result set Size '
4) 'Definition' Tab
5) Click 'Edit' button--> Next.-->Next
6) Select 'Disconnect after each transaction'
7) Click Next --> Finish
8) Click 'Ok'

Step 9 In Registry set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBusiness ObjectsSuite 12.0CMSInstancescmsname.cms,
set IdleSessionTimeout=14400000

Step 10 Modify the value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBusinessObjectsSuite 12.0defaultWebIntelligenceServerAdminSwapTimeOut to 3600000.(Only if WebIntelligence reports timeout)

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