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Import automatique de fichier biar
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The command-line SDK uses Java to execute and requires only 2 lines in a batch script (CMD in Windows or ksh/bash/sh for our Unix-loving friends). Apparently this is quite appropriate for customers who need to auto-deploy, such as our OEM friends.
Here they are in all their glory:
SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%; 'C:Program FilesBusiness Objectscommon3.5javalib'
java -jar InstallEntSdkWrapper.jar “CMSNAME:6400' “MyAdminUser” “MyAdminPwd' 'secEnterprise' MyBIApplication.biar
The first line sets the CLASSPATH environment variable to include our 'common java library' directory, which yes will be different if you install to a non-default location or if you're on unix, and the second calls Java, and passes it the JAR file required (the java code), your logon information, and the path to the BIAR file.